You must be a Colorado Democrat!

by | Apr 27, 2008 | Capitol Review, Notes

Updated April 27

If you think private and religious colleges that take no state tax dollars should be regulated by state bureaucrats, you must be a Colorado Democrat.

If you think taxing marriage will reduce child abuse, you must be a Colorado Democrat.

If you plan to pay for new programs with revenues from the oil and gas boom but then punish oil and gas companies with higher taxes and ridiculous regulations, you must be a Colorado Democrat.

If you believe illegal aliens should get a break on college tuition but decorated veterans should not, you must be a Colorado Democrat.

If you believe it’s OK to require a photo ID to buy beer or cigarettes but not to vote, you must be a Colorado Democrat.

If you believe businessmen and women are motivated by greed but labor union bosses are not, you must be a Colorado Democrat.

If you think making someone pay higher taxes is a "freeze," you must be a Colorado Democrat.

If you believe trial lawyers want to sue for more money to help their clients, you must be a Colorado Democrat.

If you think there’s really a difference between a tax and a fee, you must be a Colorado Democrat.

If you really believe in governmental efficiency or bureaucratic flexibility, you must be a Colorado Democrat.

If you believe an unemployed trial lawyer is a bad thing, you must be a Colorado Democrat.

If you think freedom of religion doesn’t apply to churches, you must be a Colorado Democrat.

If you believe good education comes from relaxing academic standards but getting tough on soft drink sales, you must be a Colorado Democrat.

If you think we should raise taxes on working families to hire more college professors, you must be a Colorado Democrat.

If you worry more about the cost of keeping criminals behind bars than the cost of putting them back on the streets, you must be a Colorado Democrat.

If you think its wrong for government to legislate morality — except when it pays for that legislation with other people’s money, you must be a Colorado Democrat.

If you think the way to pay for affordable housing is by raising taxes on housing, you must be a Colorado Democrat.

If you would rather pay OPEC $115 a barrel for oil than tap oil and gas resources right here at home, you must be a Colorado Democrat.

If your sense of humor has been surgically removed, you must be a Colorado Democrat.


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All men have equal rights; but not to equal things.

— Edmund Burke

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