U.S. Chamber figures out it’s in a fight

by | Oct 27, 2008 | Blog, Notes

While many Colorado businesses are feeding the hand that bites them, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce has figured out that it can’t count on Democrats to do what’s right for business if that inconveniences trial lawyers, labor unions, radical environmentalists or any other liberal-left special interest.

Kimberley Strassel’s Potomac Watch column in the Wall Street Journal notes that the U.S. Chamber may spend $40 million to help Republican efforts to deny Democrats a supermajority capable of overriding a filibuster and thereby passing the looney liberal wishlist.

They (business) felt comfortable with Republicans in charge.  They felt comfortable with Democrats running Congress, since divided government rarely brings change. … They do not feel comfortable now. … A resurgent labor movement has asserted control over the (Democrat) party.

Their “card check” legislation means thuggish unionism.  Their tax policies would squelch American capital.  They’ll reverse tort reform.

This agenda has inspired … an “unprecedented” rallying of the business community around the Chamber’s political efforts.

In Kentucky, the group has blasted Democratic candidate Bruce Lunsford for his anti-energy stance.  In Minnesota, it is beating on Al Franken for failing to carry workers’ comp coverage for his employees.  It has tagged New Hampshire Democrat Jeanne Shaheen as a “taxing machine.”

This is brave stuff.

Bill Miller, who run the Chamber’s political shop doesn’t apologize for supporting members’ interests:  The lobbying mentality of too many is to go up and be solicitous, and hope to get some crumbs from the table.  That is not our deal.  Our deal is to be the last line of defense for the business community.”

Too many Colorado businesses still live in a fantasy land, believing Democrats and labor will be “reasonable,” although commendably the Colorado Association of Commerce and Industry (CACI) and Colorado’s NFIB chapter have not climbed into bed with union thugs — or paid them a king’s ransom.

Ironically, a list of “business leaders and groups” aiding and abetting the unions is heavily salted with trial lawyers, lobbyists, nonprofits, political consultants and regulated utilities.


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The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.

— Tacitus

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