The Disaster that is ‘Mexifornia’

by | Feb 14, 2007 | Blog, Must Reads

Victor Davis Hanson’s two-part follow up to his book, Mexifornia, was published Feb. 6 by Investor’s Business Daily, and it’s a must-read on immigration.


  • "The debate no longer splits along liberal-conservative, Republican-Democrat or even white-brown fault lines.  Instead, class considerations more often divide Americans on the issue.  The majority of middle-lcass and poor whites, Asians, African-Americans and Hispanics wish to close the borders.  They see few advantages to cheap service labor because they are notso likely to need it to mow their lawns, watch their kids or clean their houses."
  • "I chronicled in Mexifornia the aomaly of angry protesters waving the flag of the country they vehemently did not wish to return to …."
  • "Every time an alien crosses the border legally, fluent in English and with a high school diploma, the La Raza industry and the corporate farm or construction company alike most likely lose a constituent."


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