Hamas’ terrorist tactics not debatable – Investors Business Daily
After your house has been burglarized, your family brutalized and crowds who hate you and religion cheer in the streets at your misfortune, would you take the advice of someone who said talking will solve all your problems? No, you would see that your choice is either to move out or stay and fight. That is exactly the choice facing Israelis.
Worshippers of Death – Alan Dershowitz, Wall Street Journal
A basic premise of warfare — that combatants can easily be distinguished from noncombatants — has changed. As more women and children are recruited by their mothers and religious leaders to become suicide bombers, more women and children will be shot at. That too is part of the terrorists’ game plan.
MUST READS for February
Freedom means responsibility – George McGovern, Wall Street Journal
Yes, that George McGovern: "Since leaving office, I’ve written about public policy from a new perspective: outside looking in. I’ve come to realize that protecting freedom of choice in our everyday lives is essential to maintaining a healthy civil society."
Dems are dumping ‘paygo,’ hiking deficits – Wall Street Journal
The real purpose of pay-as-you-go budgeting to make spending easier but tax-cutting harder. But after a $152 billion "stimulus" bill, another $35 billion stimulus proposed and a $597 billion farm bill extension, paygo is officially gone. read more…
If principles matter, so does McCain
First, I am a conservative; then, I’m a Republican.
Rush Limbaugh, Laura Ingraham and James Dobson hold views much closer to my own and to those of most conservatives than does Sen. John McCain.
I have serious, principled disagreements with the Arizona senator on several issues: freedom of speech, global warming and energy explanation, among others.
In the last two contested presidential primaries, my candidate has been Anybody But John McCain. read more…
Trial lawyer protection is Dems’ priority
If you lie awake at night anguishing over unemployed trial lawyers, you must be a Democrat politician.
In Congress, 66 trial lawyers who donated $1.5 million to Democrat candidates are "credited" with derailing an anti-terrorism bill that passed the Senate with 67 votes.
Here in Colorado, the immediate stakes aren’t as severe, but businesses will be paying for 66th General Assembly for years to come as Democrats advance an agenda that might be dubbed, "Leave No Trial Lawyer Behind." read more…
MUST READS: Terrorism
Worshippers of Death – Alan Dershowitz, Wall Street Journal
A basic premise of warfare — that combatants can easily be distinguished from noncombatants — has changed. As more women and children are recruited by their mothers and religious leaders to become suicide bombers, more women and children will be shot at. That too is part of the terrorists’ game plan.
An inordinate fear of terrorism? – Bret Stephens, Wall Street Journal
Two years after Jimmy Carter warned against an inordinate fear of communism, the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan. "History teaches, perhaps, very few clear lessons," Mr. Carter said. "But surely one such lesson learned by the world at great cost is that aggression, unopposed, becomes a contagious disease." Mr. Carter learned that the hard way. Will Barack Obama have to learn the same lesson, the same way. read more…
Pick your poison with big government health care
Just as local experts were revealing their plans to "fix" what ails Colorado, a heavy-handed health care overhaul crashed on the rocks in California and Democrat presidential candidates clashed over the appropriate size of government’s health care hammer.
Labor Democrats joined with Republicans in California to kill Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s proposed mandate when they realized that working families might not be able to afford health care plans they would be legally required to purchase — logic that equally applies to non-union households.
Meanwhile, Barack Obama has dared to criticize Hillary Clinton’s health care expertise, pointing out that HillaryCare 2.0 "forces everyone to buy health insurance, even if you can’t afford it." read more…
Another Ritter end-run around taxpayers
Republicans wouldn’t have dreamed of this storyline, but for the second time in less than a year, Democrat Gov. Bill Ritter is proposing a major tax increase.
And just like last time, he doesn’t want to let you vote on it.
Taxpayers who have just received their property tax bill could be forgiven for mistaking last year’s tax "freeze" for a tax hike. After all, when the legislature and the governor pass a new law that causes you to pay more than you would have otherwise, most people understandably think their taxes have been raised. read more…
Congress fools with light bulbs
What is it about Washington, D.C., that turns the brains of otherwise intelligent people into mashed potatoes?
Americans say we want our energy to be cleaner, more affordable and less reliant on foreign sources. Even if those desires are incompatible, Congress is in the business of making promises, not making people face tough choices.
So what great things did Congress and the president do in the new energy bill?
First, they mandated that we throw out our trusty incandescent light bulbs in favor of compact florescent light bulbs that are goofy-looking, impractical and toxic. read more…
MUST READS for January
Environmental controls
By David Harsanyi, Denver Post
In the very near future, environmentally conscious Americans may have to ask themselves if individual and economic freedom matters. It’s similar to the rhetoric liberals accuse George Bush of abusing. If you don’t know what I mean, try substituting the word "terrorism" for "global warming."
MUST READS: Passing the buck to our children
Saving Our Future Requires Tough Choices Today
David Walker, Comptroller General of the United States
The eye-opening, unvarnished truth about the fiscal condition of the United States government, directly from the Governmental Accountability Office. (PDF file)
U.S. Comptroller says Medicare program endangers fiscal stability
CBS News
"What’s going on right now is we’re spending more money than we make…we’re charging it to credit card…and expecting our grandchildren to pay for it. And that’s absolutely outrageous," says David Walker, Comptroller General of the United States.
‘Change’ for our children
By Robert Samuelson
The big lie of campaign 2008 — so far — is that the presidential candidates, Democratic and Republican, will take care of our children. Instead, candidates make more promises to make goverment ‘do more’ — ignoring the fiscal train wreck that will saddle today’s children with either an unbearable tax burden or no social safety net whatsover.