Obama: Vanity or divinity?

by | Jul 21, 2008 | Blog, Notes | 2 comments

Washington Post’s Charles Krauthammer is among a handful of must-read columnists because he virtually always has something insightful to say and because, on occasions like this, he says it so very well:

What Obama does not seem to understand is that the Brandenburg Gate is something you earn.  President Ronald Reagan earned the right to speak there because his relentless pressure had brought the Soviet empire to its knees….  When President John F. Kennedy visited the Brandenburg Gate on the day of his “Ich bin ein Berliner” speech, he was representing a country that was prepared to go to bring of nuclear war to defend West Berlin.

Who is Obama representing?  And what exactly has he done in his lifetime to merit appropriating the Brandenburg Gate as a campaign prop?


Americans are beginning to notice Obama’s elevated opinion of himself. … Has there ever been a presidential nominee with a wider gap between his estimation of himself and the sum total of his lifetime achievements?


His most memorable work is a biography of his favorite subject: himself.


He lectures us that instead of worrying about immigrants learning English, “you need to make sure your child can speak Spanish” — a language Obama does not speak.  He admonishes us on how “embarrassing” it is that Europeans are multilingual but “we go over to Europe, and all we can say is ‘merci beaucoup.'”  Obama speaks no French.


For the first few months of the campaign, the question about Obama was: “Who is he?”  The question now is: “Who does he think he is?”

There’s more where that came from, so if you didn’t see it in the Rocky on Monday, you can read the entire text at Townhall.com.


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Obliteraing a provision of the Constitution, of course, guarantees that it will not be misapplied.

— Justice Clarence Thomas, Kelo v. New London

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