by | Apr 28, 2008 | Must Reads, Notes

Supreme Court gets it right on voter fraud – Investors Business Daily
Everyone in the country should be pleased with the news. But, of course, not everyone is. It’s almost as if some are disturbed that the ruling will make it harder to commit voter fraud.

Dems ignore realities about trade – Robert Samuelson, Washington Post
On economic grounds, there’s no reason to reject the free trade agreement with Colombia.  Colombia’s exports already enter the U.S. market duty free.  Meanwhile, many U.S. exports to Colombia face stiff tariffs —  most of which would ultimately go to zero under the agreement.

Enough with the interest rate cuts – Martin Feldstein, Wall Street Journal
Lowering interest rates farther will do little to stimulate the economy but will de-value the dollar, leading to higher prices for energy and oil.

Oil, oil everywhere, except in U.S. – Investors Business Daily
With oil topping $110 a barrel, other countries are discovering and developing new reserves.  But not the U.S.  Despite the potential for more than 1 trillion barrels, it seems we would rather pay through the nose and rely on foreign sources.

Parker couple sued for speaking against city’s plan – Rocky Mountain News
When a Parker couple prints signs to oppose the city’s plan to annex their neighborhood, they are sued under Colorado’s campaign finance laws — written by the same geniuses that gave us Amendment 41.  Now they realize the suit wasn’t about following the law — it was about shutting them up.

Free speech out at Colorado College – Jessica Corry, Human Events
At CC, feminists can be crude, rude and disgusting — and mean it.  But college leaders dish out punishment to students who poke fun at feminist rants — violating the school’s code that "no idea can be banned or forbidden."

The coming tax bomb – John F. Cogan, R. Glenn Hubbard, Wall Street Journal
Letting the Bush tax cuts expire will drive the personal income tax burden by 25% — to its highest point relative to GDP in history.  Marginal tax rates will rise across the board — from 13% on the highest income households to a 50% increase on lower-income households.

The poverty hype – Walter E. Williams
Dr. Williams debunks the income gap and explains how free trade promotes rising standards of living.

Democrats: ‘No, nothing’ on energy – Wall Street Journal
No one disputes that Kansas needs more energy, but Gov. Kathleen Sebelius’ administration has defied the laws and regulations of her own state to stop two new power plants that met or exceeded every air-quality and environmental regulation.

The Union Agenda – Kimberley Strassel, Wall Street Journal
By some accounts, unions are ready to spend as much as $1 billion to win the "trifecta" — the White House, Congress and a veto-proof Senate.  Why is this election so important to Big Labor?

Bullies in the legal system – John Stossel, Wall Street Journal
Our legal system invites lawyers to act like bullies.  Often, they are less "officers of the court seeking justice" than businessmen colluding with plaintiffs in a lucrative extortion business.  Without reform, the parasites will take away your money and your choices.

Regulatory Overkill – Allan Meltzer, Wall Street Journal
The first principle of regulation is: Lawyers and politicians will write rules; and markets develop ways to circumvent these rules without violating them.

Red tape rising – Wall Street Journal
The Small Business Administration calculates that the total cost in 2005 of complying with 145,000 pages of federal rules and procedures was $1.1 trillion. This is the rough economic equivalent of imposing a second federal income tax on the economy. 

The buck stops where? – Wall Street Journal
Conventional wisdom on Wall St. and in Washington suggests that the Fed needs to cut interest rates even faster and further.  Never mind that this is precisely the path the Fed has followed since August, yet the crisis has grown worse and the Fed’s main achievement has been to stir a global lack of confidence in the dollar.

Why I am no longer a ‘brain-dead liberal’ – David Mamet, The Village Voice
I took the liberal view for many decades, but I believe I have changed my mind. I found not only that I didn’t trust the current government, but that an impartial review revealed that the faults of this president—whom I, a good liberal, considered a monster—were little different from those of a president whom I revered.

Spitzer’s chickens came home to roost – Walter Olson, National Review Online
Elliott Spitzer’s crusade against Wall St. was that “imperial” CEOs had come to feel they were above the law, and that all talk of forgiveness for momentary lapses in judgment and even of basic old-fashioned due process for the accused, were but excuses proffered by these grasping moguls in hopes of holding onto their power indefinitely. One wonders whether Spitzer has come today to rethink those sentiment


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Quote of the Day

Saying tax cuts benefit only ‘the rich’ is like complaining that civil rights laws benefit only minorities. Yeah, of course it’s ‘the rich’ who benefit from tax cuts: They’re the ones who pay the taxes. Indeed, a pretty good working definition of ‘the rich’ is ‘any taxpayer with an alarm clock.’

— Ann Coulter

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