MUST READS for January

by | Jan 15, 2008 | Must Reads, Notes

Environmental controls
By David Harsanyi, Denver Post

In the very near future, environmentally conscious Americans may have to ask themselves if individual and economic freedom matters. It’s similar to the rhetoric liberals accuse George Bush of abusing. If you don’t know what I mean, try substituting the word "terrorism" for "global warming."


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Quote of the Day

It is immoral and inhumane to continue to force poor kids to remain in schools that most of the rest of us would never allow our children to attend voluntarily. This virtual incarceration is painfully reminiscent of the 1960s when bigots stood in schoolhouse doors blocking poor black children from entering. Now, in 2002, their counterparts are standing in the doorways of our worst schools, blocking poor black and brown children from escaping.

— Steve Schuck

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