Hitting to all fields

Barack Obama may be a far better orator than George W. Bush, but when Bush delivered a message, despite his sometimes mangled syntax, everyone knew what he stood for.  Because Obama’s elocution is superior, only later do people realize they have no idea what he really meant.

If overhauling the nation’s health care system is so urgent that lawmakers can’t be afforded time to read the bills before they vote, why does so much of the legislation not take effect until after the 2012 election? (more…)

A viable initiative for freedom

Conservatives and libertarians fight about social issues so routinely that we assume the differences are insurmountable. Most everyone on the center-right is dubious of big government, but when it comes to protecting the unborn or preserving the traditional definition of marriage, we are divided as to government’s proper role.

Yet when the threat of big government grows so ominous that it overshadows all else, a “freedom coalition” emerges, as is now happening in response to the reign of Obama, Reid and Pelosi. Inevitably, however, infighting resumes once the threat subsides.

If freedom truly is our unifying principle, then it alone is the non-negotiable standard that can build lasting bonds on the Right without asking anyone to forsake principle. (more…)