Lobbying isn’t the problem; big government is

"When buying and selling are controlled by the legislature, the first things to be bought and sold are legislators." — P.J. O’Rourke.

Money spent on special interest lobbying at the State Capitol jumped 14 percent this year over last, despite measures like the so-called "Ethics in Government" Amendment 41.

Lobbyists’ contracts generated more than $11 million in just the first four months of 2007, according to a recent Denver Post report — the twelfth straight year that lobbying expenditures exceeded the previous year.

But before you fall prey to the common misconception that there’s too much money in government, take a step back. (more…)

Must Reads for June!

Higher Taxes for HIgher Ed, Health Care, Transportation
The Denver Post
If you don’t think there’s a dime’s worth of difference between Republicans and Democrats, consider that Gov. Ritter and the Democrats in the choir — I mean Legislature — have already raised your property taxes and are now salivating at reaching into your pocketbook three more times on next year’s ballot.

So what do you think about higher ed funding?
Vote in the WhatsNewsColorado.com poll.

Another Lesson in Selective Tolerance
David Limbaugh
For the radical homosexual lobby, it isn’t enough that its views are guaranteed full protection, even special protection by the state. They also want to ensure that those disagreeing with them are demonized and denied their First Amendment rights.

Debunking Illegal Immigration Myths
Thomas Sowell
Last year, the sop to the American people was the promise of a fence on the border. This year, the big question is: "Where is the fence?" That will still be the question ten years from now, if we let the politicians soothe us with words.

No Drug Smuggler Left Behind
Ann Coulter
In addition to giving an illegal alien drug smuggler full immunity to testify against U.S. Border Patrol agents, the government gave him taxpayer-funded medical care for his buttocks gunshot wound, an unconditional border-crossing card, the right to sue the U.S. for "civil rights" violations, and a GAP gift card.

Health reform should promote choice, not coerce consumers

If you’re unhappy with health care, you’re obviously not alone.  For most people, the problem isn’t availability.  The problem is cost – cost of treatment, cost of prescriptions, cost of insurance, or cost of paying for the uninsured.

For more than 60 years, government has tinkered with the way we pay for health care.  Unfortunately, when government "solutions" fail, lawmakers rarely admit their mistakes and go back to square one.  Instead, they layer more dubious solutions on top of those that failed until the problem becomes so intractable that far more people suffer from the solution than from the original problem.

Last year, the state legislature created the Blue Ribbon Commission (BRC) on Health Care Reform and charged it with divining a proposal to expand coverage, reduce the number of uninsured and decrease costs.  (After that, curing cancer should be a snap.)

A final recommendation is due this November, but the BRC now appears headed toward a nightmare "solution" consisting of higher taxes, lower wages and fewer choices. (more…)